The idea of my products; the trailer, magazine cover and film trailer is to get my audiences attention and make them want to go and see the film. My audience, from my research is that of an audience of 16-24 and of no particular gender, but by a slight percentage a majority of men. I am aiming to create my products representing the genre, of horror and triller, due to it's interest to me and the variety of storylines available within it.
Storyline -
For my storyline, I conducted some research during my focus group, into what my audience might like to see, or got them to give me some of their own suggestions. My storyline is a combination of two genres; horror and thriller, it was originally adapated from an idea given to me by a friend during the focus group. The basic outline of the storyline is this -
After a night of heavy partying, a girl wakes to find herself still at the rather isolated party spot and her boyfriend missing. Asking other partyers around whether they have seen him, it quickly becomes apparent that he has gone missing. The boyfriend as the other main character wakes to find himself in a plain blacked out room, with no way to get out. The rest of the storyline follows a few grusome acts on the abductors part, while the girlfriend viligantly looks for him on the outside.
Narrative of the trailer -
My trailer is going to with institutional logos and some slow music then go into media res, meaning that it will begin during some of the action, my trailer is going to begin with scenes of the party in full swing, then following in chronological order it is going to show te sequence of events through some small clips of signifcant scenes. But about halfway through when the trailer picks up tempo, I will begin to mix up the scenes, to make it apear more action packed and exciting to the audience, as that is an incentive with a horror, the audience wish to feel the adrenaline rush of the characters. The trailer will involve some appropriate music at times, such as when the scenes start to rush past, fast drumming music could be used to enhance the feeling of tension. The trailer will end, by cutting to the title of the film and possible some sound effects like an over voice of a scream from one of my characters.
Poster and Magazine -
The plan for my poster is quite similair to that of the Eden Lake one, due to being of a similair genre. For the poster I am going to use a dark, dreary looking colour pallette so as to represent the negative connotations of the genre. The text for both the magazine and the poster, will be done in large bold text, as it will attract more attention, this may mean me using the colour red, so as to be brigheter and represent the negative connotations. The layout of the poster will be done in landscape, so as to be more apparent as a poster, while the magazine will be done in potrait. The images will possibly be of one of the key characters sat in front of a door, as they can't escape, or don't want someone to escape, or a combination of key locations and factors within the film. Appropriate mise-en-scene will be used for the images, so as to be more authentic.
Mood board -

1 comment:
Good. Maybe tell me about specific aspect of mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound. I should be able to fully visualise your products.
It would be good to discuss how your products will work as a cross media marketing package as well.
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